Insurance of photovoltaic panels. What should local governments remember?
29 września, 2020The emergence and development of the coronavirus epidemic around the world has forced the insurance market to respond to the resulting threat. All life insurance companies agree to recognize their liability in the event of the death of the insured person as a result of the coronavirus infection. Some insurers declare the recognition of liability in the event of a serious illness – related to SARS-CoV-2 infection – but only in a situation where the disease strictly complies with the definition provided in the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance of individual companies.
In the face of a new, unknown threat, the insurance market responded with product proposals whose main goal was to provide insured persons – healthcare workers and other industries – with protection in the event of the consequences of loss of health and life as a result of contracting coronavirus.
The resulting product lines provide the scope of protection for individual industries:
- Healthcare,
- Local government entities,
- Companies and enterprises.
At the end of April 2020, several insurance companies were offering group life insurance programs with coverage covering COVID-19. They were:
STU Ergo Hestia S.A., PZU Życie S.A., Compensa TU na Życie S.A., Aviva TU na Życie S.A., as well as an entity from section II: PZU S.A., Generali TU S.A.
All our clients were informed about the possibilities of implementing these products.
Recommendation of Supra Brokers: modification of insurance programs
Due to the current situation in Poland and in the world resulting from the threat caused by the coronavirus epidemic, we would like to ask you to modify the current group life insurance program in order to – ahead of the potential actions of insurance companies – provide your employees with optimal insurance protection conditions while maintaining as much as possible similar amounts of contributions. By taking preventive measures, we would like to guarantee you the opportunity to freely choose from the full range of available solutions from the insurance market, in order to avoid a situation in which the Insurer may leave you in an uncomfortable position, without any choice.
Supra Brokers S.A. as your partner and independent consultant in the field of insurance, including group life insurance, declares its readiness to take actions on your behalf and for the sake of ensuring the most favorable conditions of insurance protection.
If you are interested in meeting with specialists from our company to discuss the proposed strategy of activities, please contact us.